We understand saying we want to #doDifferent and actually doing it are two completely different things – whether it is a lack of motivation or being stuck on auto-pilot and doing things the way you normally do them. At Different.org, we want to encourage people to give back to their communities, so here are some easy ways to help you along: 

  1. Random acts of kindness. This may sound like a broad statement, but it is the easiest thing to accomplish. Even if you buy an extra loaf of bread and milk for your local man at the robot or walk dogs at a shelter, both make a difference.

  2. Help someone out. This might sound like something that should be second nature to most people, but the majority of people will greatly appreciate any help they can get. This can be as simple as holding the door open, or a bit more grand and purchase dog food for your local shelter.

  3. Pay it forward. So when someone does something nice for you, instead of paying that person back directly – you pass it on to another person instead. This creates a movement, the #doDifferent movement – encouraging others to #doDifferent because you are doing things differently.

  4. Challenge yourself. Try something new and go out of your comfort zone to help make someone else’s day a bit better. You may discover your new passion or at least be able to tick some things off of your bucket list.

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