We recently have had the pleasure of having an amazing wild dog artwork made by Audrey Anderson, who is renown South African artist who creates masterpieces with a beverage enjoyed by many, wine.

“The wine artworks are created from a fine balance between the mediums unique nature and how much control I add to it. Red wines have a great tone variation based on how old they are,” says Audrey Anderson. We completely understand her love for taking a simple medium and transforming it into an image.


For this project, we asked her to paint with Painted Wolf Wines as they are very passionate about the conservation of wild dogs. A portion of each bottle sold is given towards wild dog conservation. Audrey Anderson enjoys combining and contrasting the different wines with each other in order to bring life to artwork, “That is why it is so great to painting with the Painted Wolf Wines, the rich deep red of the 2011 Merlot compliments the delicate colour of the Rosalind 2013 on paper. When drawing/painting with wine I feel that the wine must reflect its character, realising an academic drawing in wine does not give the wine freedom to speak for itself on paper. This is why the artworks have flow and movement in the mark making, allowing the energy of the wine to move freely on the paper. I believe art reflects life with a fine balance between managing those things that you have control of and enjoying the freedom to those things that wonder.” To see the video of this amazing experience, see below.

Wild dogs are one of our most endangered mammals in South Africa, which is why we want to show South Africans how beautiful they are and get them involved in saving the species with Wildlands Conservation Trust. Their project on Different.org, Ensuring Survival of our Threatened Species, is raising R204 000 to track and monitor a pack of wild dogs in Somkhanda Game Reserve for a year, as well as the reserve population of white and black rhinos.

In addition to all of this, we are running a campaign with Different Life, an innovative life insurance platform, who is offering R200 for a completed quote to the project, thereby helping the funding of the project. Different Life also offers people who buy policies the ability to donate their first premium of every year to a project of their choice on Difference.org. For more information on this or to help without opening your wallet, visit our campaign page

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